March 2, 2018, Austin, Texas. A package bomb went off at the home of Anthony Stephan House, killing him.
March 12, 2018, Austin, Texas. A package bomb killed Draylen Mason, a 17 year-old, and injured his mother.
On the same day, another bomb went off at a different address, injuring Esperanza Herrera, a 75 year-old visiting her aged mother.
March 18, 2018, Austin, Texas. Two young men, one 22, the other 23, tripped a wire and set off a bomb rigged on the side of a road near a “for sale” sign. Both were seriously injured.
After the fourth bomb attack, mainstream media finally caught on that the victims were mostly black and Hispanic. Black news sources noted this much earlier.
March 20, 2018, Schertz, Texas. A package bomb went off at a Fed Ex facility, injuring one employee. The bomb was addressed to someone in Austin. A second bomb at another Fed Ex facility, in Austin, Texas, was discovered and deactivated.
Police identified the bomber as Mark Anthony Conditt, a white male who wrote a screed in junior college wherein he declares his hatred of gays and abortions and where he also states that the government should get rid of sex offender registries.
The picture of Conditt smiling makes him look angelic, sweet.
News agencies refrain from calling him a terrorist.
Trayvon Martin was disrespected after his death, called a thug who got what he deserved by bigots and a young man who was not angelic by those deemed “more objective.” Both site his photos of marijuana, guns, and flipping the bird as examples of his supposed less-than-angelic nature. Or thuggery.
Trayvon Martin wanted to become a pilot and go to college to study aeronautics, a fact that only came to light after his killer was acquitted.
May, 2017. Florida University awarded Trayvon a posthumous degree in aeronautical science at the time he would have graduated had he not been brutally murdered.
June 17, 2015, Charleston, South Carolina. Dylann Roof sat in a bible study class at Mother Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. He then stood and shot nine worshipers in cold blood. He spared the 10th so that she could tell the world what happened.
The police arrested Dylann Roof soon after the killings. They took him to Burger King on the way to jail. He was hungry.
April 12, 2015, Baltimore, Maryland. Police arrest Freddie Gray for allegedly having a switchblade on him that was illegal in Baltimore. They loaded him into a police van. They did not ask if he was hungry or wanted to go to Burger King.
Freddie Gray sustained injuries to his spine during his ride in the back of the police van. He fell into a coma then died seven days later.
February 14, 2018, Parkland, Florida. Nikolas Cruz goes into Stoneman Douglas High School and starts shooting. In the end, he murders 17 people, 13 students and 4 adults.
The media avoid calling Cruz a terrorist. Or a thug. Cruz is white.
Many say that Cruz has mental health issues.
But it is also known that Cruz wrote about killing Mexicans, black, and gays privately on Instagram.
He’s still not referred to as a terrorist.
November 8, 2016. The United States elected a known bigot (They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.) President of the United States. He has no political experience. He has no military experience because he received a series of deferments during Vietnam for bone spurs.
The man elected president appointed to his inner circle known bigots and extremists like Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller.
Stephen Miller grew up in liberal Santa Monica, California with liberal parents, but developed a great dislike for Mexicans and blacks. He reportedly unfriended someone (not on Facebook, but in real life) because he’s of Mexican heritage.
We’re going to continue having terror campaigns targeting people of color, LGBTQ people, and women in this country so long as we have an Executive Branch composed of bigots.
Being white does not absolve people from being terrorists.
Don’t ask black people why they have rage. If you have to ask, you are not paying attention.
A group of teens, survivors from the Douglas High School shooting, are leading efforts to end gun violence. They are called every name in the book and are targeted by the NRA. To date, thousands of students across the nation are heeding their call and demanding an end to weapons of mass destruction on American streets and in their schools.
The Parkland teens give me hope. They acknowledge that black kids have tried to warn the country about gun violence for years. I can’t wait until all of these kids, the Parkland activists and the Black Lives Matter activists, run the country.
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